Fire Line

Fire Line

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Strange Things....

Every time we have gone into the house we find or notice something strange about the way things did or didn't burn. In a weird sort of way it is kind of fascinating.  For instance - the toilet paper in the cabinet in the downstairs bathroom did not burn.  The oxygen must have been sucked out of the cabinet much like it did our coat closet in the middle of the house.  An entire closet of coats and things not burned yet everything around it was burned to ashes.  Of course everything in the closet was full of soot and smelled so incredibly bad, but it wasn't burned.  I am sure there would have been quite a backdraft had that closet been opened.

Some picture examples....

This case of water was sitting on the kitchen counter.  All of the tops are blown off, but it still sits as an entire case.

We found the recipe box half burned with a jar of decorating sprinkles melted to the side.  The sprinkles were 2 shelves above the box in the cupboard so how they melted together is a mystery.

Apparently sidewalk chalk does not burn.  When I was digging for change from the boys piggy banks I kept coming across pieces of sidewalk chalk.  The case that they were in burned, the bookshelf that they were on burned, but here is the chalk in its entirety.

Our freezer - the door actually split in half - the half with the shelves on it stayed in the freezer and the rest of the door opened out.  Strange.....

You also can tell really cheap furniture from more quality pieces.  We had two dressers in our room.  Mary Jo's was an old one that was well made.  While it is burned, there is still parts of it standing.  Mine on the other hand (which was cheap) has absolutely nothing left.  

All very strange, yet kind of interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Could you email me? allison-leeATrocketmailDOTcom. Thanks. :)
